Page 16 - SPromotion-Ideas-for-Growth-op
P. 16
Popcorn Maize 2Go
A portion of popcorn is quickly prepared in the pan and
1022-1 can be served as a salty or sweet dish as desired. Your
advertising can show up on the standard design band.
Your personalisation starts as well with 250 pieces.
Article 1022-1 Popcorn Maize 2Go
Contents approx. 50 g popcorn maize
Size Ø 55 x 45 mm
Weight approx. 56 g
Print starts with 250 pieces
Advertising 40 x 40 mm on standard design
Alternative your personalisation of the band 170 x 45 mm
starts with 250 pieces
Vitamin 2Go
These are the vitamins you may desire. The small cup
1022-6 contains everything you need for the growing of your
vitamins. Other types of seeds are available according to
your campaign subjects or season.
printable area Your advertising is possible on the standard design or your
personalisation starts with 250 pieces.
Article 1022-6 Vitamin 2Go
Contents compressed soil, seeds
Seeds cress
Size Ø 55 x 45 mm
Weight approx. 15 g
Print starts with 250 pieces
Advertising 50 x 30 mm on standard design
Alternative your personalisation of the band
170 x 45 mm starts with 250 pieces
Sunshine 2Go
1022-7 The small cup contains everything you need for the
growing of your sunshine. Other types of seeds are
available according to your campaign subjects or season.
Your advertising is possible on the standard design or your
personalisation starts with 250 pieces.
Article 1022-7 Sunshine 2Go
Contents compressed soil, seeds
Seeds mini-sunflower
Size Ø 55 x 45 mm
Weight approx. 15 g
Print starts with 250 pieces
Advertising 50 x 30 mm on standard design
Alternative your personalisation of the band
170 x 45 mm starts with 250 pieces
Snack 2Grow Popcorn
Sow your own snack. The first popcorn sprouts show up
after a few days. A successful nice promotion item for your
customers. Your advertising or personalisation of the band
1022-2 starts with 250 pieces.
Article 1022-2 Snack 2Grow Popcorn
Contents compressed soil, seeds
Seeds popcorn
Size Ø 55 x 45 mm
Weight approx. 15 g
Print starts with 250 pieces
Advertising 40 x 35 mm on standard design
Alternative your personalisation of the band 170 x 45 mm
starts with 250 pieces
Coffee 2Grow
The small cup contains everything you need for the
growing of a real coffee shrub – a caffeine boost for your
promotions. Your advertising is possible on the standard
1022-8 design or your personalisation of the band starts with
250 pieces.
Article 1022-8 Coffee 2Grow
Contents compressed soil, seeds
Seeds coffee
Size Ø 55 x 45 mm
Weight approx. 15 g
Print starts with 250 pieces
Advertising 45 x 20 mm on standard design
Alternative your personalisation of the band 170 x 45 mm
starts with 250 pieces